
安富利電子元件是領先的半導體、互連、無源和機電元件分銷商, 在亞太區(qū)設有超過50家銷售機構(gòu),致力于為原始設備制造商 (OEM)、電子制造服務 (EMS) 供應商及中小型企業(yè)等客戶服務。安富利電子元件是全球技術分銷商安富利公司(NSYE: AVT)旗下的運營機構(gòu)。安富利公司是財富500強企業(yè),2012財政年度的銷售收入超過257億美元。在當前變化快速的市場環(huán)境下,MCU產(chǎn)品設計復雜度不斷提升,但產(chǎn)品生命周期卻越來越短,MCU設計人員必須應對隨之而來的各項挑戰(zhàn)。安富利設計服務 (ADS)團隊利用其專業(yè)技術和解決方案,幫助設計人員解決MCU設計中存在的問題,實現(xiàn)最大的成本效益并加快產(chǎn)品上市速度。從MCU設計構(gòu)思到方案實現(xiàn)提供全程專業(yè)咨詢和技術支持,如組件選型、軟硬件解決方案、設計及原型服務、測試及生產(chǎn)協(xié)助等,ADS的工程師都能提供專業(yè)的技術建議,縮短您產(chǎn)品的設計周期。此外,安富利設計服務的細分市場營銷 (Avnet Segment Marketing) 團隊通過七家內(nèi)部設計中心和亞洲的第三方設計合作伙伴 (IDH) 提供“交鑰匙系統(tǒng)解決方案”,幫助客戶設計可隨時投產(chǎn)(production ready)的解決方案,滿足不同MCU應用需求。

Avnet Electronics Marketing (EM) Asia is the leading distributor of semiconductors, interconnect, passive and electromechanical components with over 50 offices in the region. The company serves an extensive range of customers including OEMs, EMS providers and SME businesses. Avnet EM Asia is part of the global technology distributor Avnet, Inc. (NYSE: AVT), a Fortune 500 company with fiscal 2012 sales exceeding US$25.7 billion. In today's fast changing market environment, engineers have to overcome challenges when MCU product designs become more complex and product life cycles become shorter. Avnet Design Services (ADS) is well placed to assist engineers to tackle MCU design problems with its expertise and solutions, helping them maximize cost-effectiveness and expedite time-to-market for their products. ADS is a specialized team in Avnet EM Asia with experienced and technically competent experts to offer customers with design support throughout the product life cycle. From conceptualization to product launch and product life extension, ADS engineers provide technical advices on component selection, hardware and software solutions, design and prototype services, and test and production assistance. Avnet Segment Marketing team delivers "turnkey system solutions" through seven in-house design centers and third-party design partners (IDHs) in Asia, enabling customers to design with production ready solutions for applications of different MCU.



Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE: FSL) is a global leader in embedded processing solutions, providing industry-leading products that are advancing the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets. From microprocessors and microcontrollers to sensors, analog integrated circuits and connectivity – our technologies are the foundation for the innovations that make our world greener, safer, healthier and more connected. Some of our key applications and end-markets include automotive safety, hybrid and all-electric vehicles, next generation wireless infrastructure, smart energy management, portable medical devices, consumer appliances and smart mobile devices. The company is based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development, manufacturing and sales operations around the world. www.freescale.com.cn


新唐科技股份有限公司成立于 2008 年,同年 7 月受讓分割華邦電子邏輯 IC 事業(yè)單位正式展開營運,并于 2010 年在臺灣證券交易所正式上市掛牌。新唐科技專注于邏輯 IC 產(chǎn)品之研發(fā)、設計及銷售,在消費性語音 IC 及電腦相關應用 IC 之市占率皆具全球領先地位;此外,新唐科技擁有一座專攻特殊利基型制程之 6 吋晶圓廠,除負責生產(chǎn)自有 IC 產(chǎn)品外,另提供部份產(chǎn)能作為晶圓代工服務。如需進一步了解新唐科技,請參訪公司網(wǎng)站 www.nuvoton.com

Nuvoton Technology Corp. was established as a spin-off of Winbond Electronics’ Logic business group, starting operation in July, 2008 and IPO in September, 2010. Nuvoton Technology focuses on the R&D and sales in logic ICs, and leads in global market shares of speech ICs and computer related application ICs. Nuvoton owns a six-inch wafer fab, featuring in special niche process. Besides in-house IC products, the wafer fab also provides part of its capacity for foundry services. For more information, please visit www.nuvoton.com


恩智浦半導體NXP Semiconductors N.V. (Nasdaq: NXPI) 以其領先的射頻、模擬、電源管理、接口、安全和數(shù)字處理方面的專長,提供高性能混合信號(High Performance Mixed Signal)和標準產(chǎn)品解決方案。這些創(chuàng)新的產(chǎn)品和解決方案可廣泛應用于汽車、智能識別、無線基礎設施、照明、工業(yè)、移動、消費和計算等領域。公司在全球逾25個國家都設有業(yè)務執(zhí)行機構(gòu),2011年公司營業(yè)額達到42億美元。更多恩智浦相關信息,請登錄公司官方網(wǎng)站www.nxp.com 查詢。

NXP Semiconductors N.V. (Nasdaq: NXPI) provides High Performance Mixed Signal and Standard Product solutions that leverage its leading RF, Analog, Power Management, Interface, Security and Digital Processing expertise. These innovations are used in a wide range of automotive, identification, wireless infrastructure, lighting, industrial, mobile, consumer and computing applications. A global semiconductor company with operations in more than 25 countries, NXP posted revenue of $4.2 billion in 2011. Additional information can be found by visiting www.nxp.com.

Mouser Electronics

Mouser.com在線可搜索超過1,000萬種產(chǎn)品并提供300多萬個產(chǎn)品物料編號,這些產(chǎn)品從占地 49萬2千平方英呎、裝備一流的倉庫運送至世界各地。Mouser.com網(wǎng)站清楚地標識了不建議使用在新設計的產(chǎn)品(NRND),并提供包括項目管理、BOM表管理與 Mouser搜索加速器等工具。Mouser現(xiàn)已全面接受以人民幣計價的訂單,并支持銀聯(lián)的ChinaPay電子支付服務。這一積極舉措將給中國市場帶來更簡便、快捷的交易與物流。
Mouser優(yōu)質(zhì)的客戶服務與技術支持獲得全世界客戶的認可。我們在全球多個城市設立客戶服務據(jù)點,使用當?shù)氐恼Z言,并支持17種貨幣交易。此外,在Mouser下單沒有最小訂購金額的限制,可當天出貨。通過8種語言的 在線實時咨詢,我們提供豐富的技術與產(chǎn)品支持。目前,我們?nèi)驌碛?9個客戶服務中心,亞洲分支則包括上海、香港、新加坡、曼谷、臺北與班加羅爾。更多信息,請訪問http://www.mouser.cn/。

Authorized Distributor for Semiconductors and Electronic Components. Mouser Electronics — a wholly-owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.—is one of the industry’s fastest growing global catalog and online semiconductor and electronic component distributors. Dedicated to supplying design engineers and buyers with leading-edge technologies and unsurpassed customer service, Mouser is redefining customer-focused distribution.
Rapid New Product Introduction
With our broad product line and unsurpassed customer service, Mouser caters to design engineers and buyers by fast introduction of what’s next in advanced technologies. Mouser works in close partnership with all our suppliers to provide the fastest access to the industry’s latest components, giving design engineers a crucial technological edge and speed to-market advantage. Having the latest technology to develop cost-efficient prototypes limits costly re-designs, manufacturing delays or even the termination of a project.
Mouser.com searches nearly 10 million products to locate over 3 million part numbers, shipped from our state-of-the-art 492,000 sq. ft. warehouse. As well as offering 17 languages and accepting 17 international currencies, Mouser.com clearly identifies parts that are not recommended for new design (NRND) and features helpful tools like BOM Tool and Mouser search accelerator. The company now fully transacts e-commerce with the Chinese Renminbi (RMB), the official currency of the People’s Republic of China, and UnionPay’s ChinaPay e-payment service. This is a progressive towards more seamless transactions and streamlined logistics throughout Asia.
Broad Product Line
Our broad-based linecard consists of millions of advanced components across the board with each vertical market completely covered. Mouser.com also houses an industry-first interactive catalog, data sheets, supplier-specific reference designs, application notes, technical design information, and engineering tools. Our latest Newest Products and Applications & Technologies sites on Mouser.com is to educate design engineers, help them narrow the list of products, and find the right products for their design projects. Our goal is to help transform knowledge into design know- how. Mouser wants to help engineers and buyers make more efficient use of their time.
Worldwide Customer Service
Mouser excels in providing superior service and support to customers worldwide. With multiple locations around the globe, we speak customers’ language and can transact business in 17 currencies. We offer no-minimum orders, rapid delivery, live chat in 8 languages, knowledgeable technical and product support and more. Current, Mouser has 19 global customer support locations, including Asian branches in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Taipei and Bengaluru. For more information, visit http://www.mouser.com/.